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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Kid Quotes!

Hi!  So I love sharing fun kid quotes with other educators.  Kids do say the funniest things!  Here are the best quotes so far from the 2010-2011 school year:

“These markers need batteries.”
-Nicholas after failing to find a dry erase marker that isn’t dried out.

“Can you move so I can sit on you?”

Ms. Miller: “Eli, we missed you yesterday.”
Eli: “Yeah, I had Bieber fever.”

Nicholas: “You’re a Ms.!  Ms. Snyder!  Ms. Lane Snyder!  You’re going to get married!
Ms. Snyder: “When am I going to get married, Nicholas?”
Nicholas: “October, 2011.  You’ll be a Mrs.!”
Ms. Snyder: “Um, I highly doubt that, darling.”

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